我翻译了一首诗 |
作者:阿樓 阿樓博客裡 2022/10/14 22:07:59 来源:阿樓隨筆 |
——Empty Pockets-for Du Fu who knows/Romaine
轮子转动,数着节拍 默然不语。心想将要发生什么 只是尚未发生
捂着口袋走进一家门店 忽然发现,明天我也许不在这里 时间的碎片、恐惧的份量不断地提醒我 该如何选择
下雨了 黑曜石板路给人一个撕裂 我有点醉意。雨水湿了我白色薄薄连衣裙 裸出下体,心海不安的蝴蝶 却怎么也飞不起来 时间与君子窃窃私语 模仿窃贼嘘了一声… 什么也没有发生
但已晚了 命数已定。那个脸色,渐渐苍白 口袋也空了
Empty Pockets-for Du Fu who knows by Romaine The wheels are turning I listen to the whirring clicking cogs and switches counting beats in my heart and head growing silent what is about to happen has not yet happened
I still have a pocketful of possibilities waiting to be spent in a shop filled with childish wonders but it is no longer there that place just as I will no longer be here tomorrow they are right, those who know there is only ever this moment this now when I can feel the splinters of time jangling in my pocket and the weight of fear in my belly to remind me that I exist
It begins to rain beneath the streetlight obsidian flints carry flesh-ripping reminders of love...ah I am feeling happy even though I do not like the rain that is soaking through my thin white dress exposing my nakedness beneath it and the possibilities that grow ever more panicky like that butterfly trapped in my belly it has not happened yet but it will soon I can feel the time thieves whispering like thieves whisper shhh...
but they have come too late the Fates have gathered I am becoming pale transparent floating now my pockets emptied